Hallo, and welcome to my Webpage.
My name is Susanne Rahner, I am a trained geologist and project management trainer. I am thrilled to see you here.
Please have a look at my trainings.
News !!!
Susanne Rahner has been elected representative for project coordinators in the Nutzerbeirat at the Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa (NABIBB). She will represent the interests of Project coordinators in ERASMUS Plus, Strategic Partnership, KA2 in close cooperation with representatives of KA1.
The first meeting will take place in September 2017 in Bonn.
Mehr (-)Wert als Zahlen Wert, Wirkung und Nutzen von Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung
22.5.2017 23.5.2017 in Ludwigshafen, Germany
The BIBB conference on Added Value of Adult Learning and Furthering Education took place in Ludwigshafen from 22.5. 23.5.2017 and offered presentations, workshops and a podium discussion on the added value of adult learning, on the challenge to make it transparent and visible, countable and how to estimate it.
The conference was organised by the Bildungsbereich Erasmus+ Erwachsenenbildung (Adult Learning), the National Coordination Points of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (Nationale Koordinierungsstellen der Europäischen Agenda für Erwachsenenbildung) and the e-platform for Adult Learning (ePlattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa (EPALE).
Two workshops completed the demanding programm:
Added Value to Adult Learning; a Team-based Transparent Approach
Impact + Exercise: interactive method for addressing and monitoring impact (ECORYS-System, developed by the National Agency of the United Kingdom)
About 100 participants attended the conference.
Dr. Susanne Rahner participated in the conference and presented a well accepted poster on the Project Eubild - Unaklim.
The project goals, outputs, products and the transfer potential of the projects outputs were presented. Project information material was also spread. In inspiring discussions with conference participants and also coordinators of other Erasmus projects, the project networks were enlarged and future cooperations were discussed.
The conference was an inspiring event and laid the ground to sustainable dissemination of the project activities.
Goals, products and transfer potentials of the project results